Computer Science for Kentucky

The CSforKY blog, all your Computer Science news in one place.

CS Fundamentals Workshops in September 2019

Upcoming Events | 20 Aug 2019

What is Computer Science (CS) Fundamentals?

Computer Science Fundamentals (CS Fundamentals) consists of six courses aligned to grades K-5.  The progression of Courses A-F builds upon each other to ensure continuing students stay interested and learn new things.  Students create…

Stanford Offers Logic Teacher PD

Upcoming Events | 24 Jun 2019

Stanford offers Logic Teacher PD Deadline June 7th, Apply Now! Learn to teach Stanford's IntroLogic in High Schools July 8 to July 12, 2019.

IntroLogic is a free Stanford-developed curriculum that can be taught as a standalone course or embedded in…

Pathfinders Summer Institute 2019 - Apply Today!

Upcoming Events | 19 Jun 2019

Only four weeks left to apply to the Pathfinders Summer Institute!

As the new Executive Director of the Infosys Foundation USA, it is my pleasure to announce that we are hosting the 2nd annual Pathfinders Summer Institute – an intensive…

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Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.